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AGU 2023 session | Using NASA SnowEx Data

Meeting Date(s)
2023-12-11 - 2023-12-15
San Francisco, CA

C041 - Using NASA SnowEx Data to Advance Global Snow Observations through Remote Sensing, Algorithm Development and Modeling

NASA SnowEx is a multi-year effort to improve snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow-surface energy balance characterization through extensive, coincident airborne and field-based measurements.  The goal is to determine an optimal approach for monitoring snow, to identify pathways to accurate space-borne snow measurements, and to enable the fusion of remote sensing, modeling, and in-situ observations.  Advancements in remote sensing capability combined with modeling efforts, will yield a next-generation snow satellite mission concept, and demonstration of a global snow monitoring strategy.  In 2023, SnowEx completes the series of community-led snow campaigns that took place across a range of climates and snow conditions to optimize instrument testing and comparisons.  We invite contributions on results and developmental milestones from collaborative efforts using the publicly available SnowEx data.  We encourage submissions that compare coincident datasets, or investigate sensor capabilities and limitations across a variety of spatial and temporal scales.