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SnowEx is a multi-year field experiment, which includes extensive surface-based observations to evaluate how to best combine different remote sensing technologies to accurately observe snow throughout the season in various landscapes. By dividing the world’s snow covers into different types, we can match the appropriate tools to each snow type and confounding factor.

Operation IceBridge images Earth’s polar ice in unprecedented detail to better understand processes that connect the polar regions with the global climate system.

The International Collaborative Experiments for Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Games (ICE-POP 2018) 
Winter Olympics 2018 

The Olympic Mountain Experiment, or OLYMPEX, was a NASA-led field campaign, which took place on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State from November 2015 through February 2016. The goal of the campaign was to collect detailed atmospheric measurements that will be used to evaluate how well rain-observing satellites measure rainfall and snowfall from space.

The GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) was conducted in cooperation with Environment Canada in Ontario, Canada from January 17th to February 29th, 2012. The overarching goal of GCPEx was to characterize the ability of multi-frequency active and passive microwave sensors to detect and estimate falling snow through the collection of microphysical property data, associated remote sensing observations, and coordinated model simulations of falling snow.

The Canadian CloudSat/CALIPSO Validation Programme (C3VP) took place during winter 2006-2007. The C3VP sought to evaluate snowfall science and algorithms for CloudSat and CALIPSO. C3VP included airborne and ground-based observations of snow in the vicinity of the Centre of Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) site in south-east Ontario, Canada operated by the Meteorological Service of Canada. A secondary objective of C3VP was to collect data for pre-launch development of snowfall algorithms for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission.

CLPX was a four component, two year snow campaign in the Colorado Rockies to evaluate water content available in dry and wet snowpacks.